AR Rahman Komaram Puli Telugu MP3 Songs will be released on 13th July. Pawan kalyan starrer Telugu movie Komaram Puli MP3 Songs (music) and audio will be release on 13th July 2010. The soundtrack features 6 songs composed by A. R. Rahman and lyrics penned by Chandrabose. The highly anticipated soundtrack album will be released on 11 July 2010 by Sony Music.
Songs List:
1 Power Star - Vijay Prakash, Tanvi Shah
2 Amma Thale - Naresh Iyer, Swetha Mohan
3 Maaralente - A. R. Rahman, K. M. M. C. Choir
4 Maham Maaye - Javed Ali, Suchitra
5 Dochey - Shreya Ghoshal, Lady Kash 'N' Krissy
6 Namakamae - K. S. Chithra, Harini, Madhushree