Shahid Kapoor's new look for Mausam (2011 film). Mausam is an upcoming Bollywood film directed and written by Pankaj Kapoor under the Vistaar Religare Film Fund banner. The film stars Shahid Kapoor opposite Sonam Kapoor along with Pankaj Kapoor. This film will mark the first time that Shahid Kapoor has been in a movie opposite his father, Pankaj Kapoor. It is also Pankaj Kapoor's directorial debut film. Over the months, Shahid Kapoor has been looking for an actress to star opposite him in the film. He was eager on getting Katrina Kaif to be a part of the film. Kareena Kapoor was another option for Kapoor to choose. In February 2010, Pankaj Kapoor decided that Sonam Kapoor would be featured opposite Shahid Kapoor. The film will be shot in London, Edinburgh, and India. Mausam is set for release in 2011.