The super hit Hollywood movie 2012 shakes Indian box office and crushed all the movies of Bollywood in India for first two weeks. The first victim of '2012' was Bollywood movie Tum mile which was released on the same day the Hollywood movie released. The movie Tum mile did not recover its budget and entered the list of 2009 flops. The next victim was Saif Kareena starrer Kurbaan, this movie despite of good reviews, good banners and popular actors got very bad response from audience, while movie 2012 in still running houseful. The movie Kurbaan has earned nearly Rs 20 crores till now and will not cross Rs 30 crore earnings, a flat Rs 20 crore loss for Dharma productions. Where as the Hollywood flick 2012 has earned nearly Rs 40 crores including English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil versions and still going strong. The latest Bollywood release De dana dan has also effected slightly, but De dana dan is going good compared to other Bollywood movies.