Popular Tamil actor Surya will be seen in new Bollywood movie Rakta Charitra. Surya is more popular in south with his movie Ghajini, which was later remade in Hindi with Aamir khan. Now Tamil actor Surya makes his Bollywood debut with Ram Gopal Varma’s Hindi film Rakta Charitra, which is based on the life of gangster-turned-politician Parithala Ravi. RGV had commenced this project before few months with Hindi actor Vivek Oberoi, who enacts the role of Parithala Ravi. Actor Surya has been signed to perform the other lead role of Maddelacheruvu Suri – a Bengal based gangster hatching deadly plans to kill Ravi. The movie Rakta Charitra will be simultaneously released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi with the same star-casts.